where tea is more than just business

We are a limited liability company based in Sri Lanka, owned and run by Sri Lankans who remain steeped in the traditional values of the tea industry. The essence of this business remains a very personal one, very much like a perfectly brewed cup of steaming tea. Through this site we share our collection of brands and blends, from black tea to green tea, in bulk or packaged form, to special blends and brands. Whether you want your own distinct blend or would rather pick from our selection, we leave for you to decide. All we promise is a level of quality that will exceed your expectations with every single order of Ceylon Tea, blends which have been mixed with careful creativity by a team which thrives on serving up something refreshing and distinct. We can choose to write pages as to why you should pick Asia Teas as your supplier of fine teas, or we can let our work speak for itself. We will choose the latter.

Our Story

From its CEO to its Finance Director and its team of tea professionals, Asia Teas is a company with seasoned veterans at its helm, a team which wants to carry a clear message to everyone they encounter.

We are here for the long haul and we won’t compromise anything that would hurt that. Quality is an overused word in this business. Which is why we don’t just promise it to every single client. We surprise them with it.

Who we are

A conversation with a master taster

KEN RATWATTE is the CEO and chief taster of Asia Teas, This unassuming master taster brings a long and profitable heritage to the team, one which flows through three generations of Tea. From his grandfather Ken Ratwatte Sr. who was a planter in the 20’s and pioneered the Colombo Commercial Group in the 1950’s, to his father his is a family where Tea meant more than just business. “For me it was love” says Ken and it’s this love for what goes into the perfect cup that pushes him to seek out the best lots at the auctions, to eagerly await the grades which would perfect the blends his client demands and desires.

I have been in the trade for 30 years and the one thing that matters above all is Integrity. Integrity comes first.

This integrity is the golden rule which has made Asia Teas a friendly but formidable contender in Sri Lanka’s challenging Tea industry. Ken is joined by his partner SUNIMAL DABRERA, the man who modestly stays backstage but pulls a careful and critical string in the company’s survival. Sunimal’s edge is his keen financial sense.

Let’s just put it this way. Only if we are in healthy existence, can we serve the client better.

Both men zero in passionately on one thing “Quality”. The quality parameters set by Asia Teas are simply the result of many good relationships and experience.

Every time we deal with a client we condition ourselves to imagine that Asia Teas is in the buyer’s country and that our buyer is actually in Sri Lanka. That motivates us to push ourselves to get them the best tea no matter what!

This means sustaining the many relationships the company has already built over the years. The tea industry is a comfortable place in Sri Lanka, competitive but cordial, where contacts and relationships matter as much as expertise and experience. This makes Asia Teas one of the most happily equipped teams to handle even the most complicated order.

How We Work

Asia Teas maybe in the business of tea but we’re also in the business of relationships, because our success in finding the best tea for our buyers hinges on the strength of our relationships. Our experience allows us to recognize the value embedded in working closely with growers, brokers, suppliers and buyers. We know athat confidence and mutual trust matter above all else in this business but we don’t demand this trust – we prefer to earn it! And we have. From our buyers to our brokers and industry peers, there is mutual trust and respect for the team at Asia Teas.

Компания “АзияТеас” является нашим торговым партнером уже много лет. За все это время компания “АзияТеас” предоставляла нам исключительные сервисы. Мы всегда получали чай отменного качества по наилучшей цене. Если вы ищите надежного поставщика чая, выбирайте компанию “АзияТеас”!

Компания “АзияТеас” является нашим торговым партнером уже много лет. За все это время компания “АзияТеас” предоставляла нам исключительные сервисы. Мы всегда получали чай отменного качества по наилучшей цене. Если вы ищите надежного поставщика чая, выбирайте компанию “АзияТеас”!

A Trader, A Taster and an Exporter are 3 different people and here we have all three rolled into one. It’s a fusion which works masterfully in the right hands and with the right team. A seasoned trader knows when to buy, when to stock up in order to service a repeat client. This is why we constantly anticipate the clients requirements and prepare accordingly.

Asia Teas promises the best quality, happily and profitably – Because we promise our client the best tea his money can buy

From point of order to delivery to even after the shipment is made, we keep track until the client receives his tea.

The tea we blend has to match our client’s country, their traditions and even the texture of their water.

This means sustaining the many relationships the company has already built over the years. The tea industry is a comfortable place in Sri Lanka, competitive but cordial, where contacts and relationships matter as much as expertise and experience. This makes Asia Teas one of the most happily equipped teams to handle even the most complicated order.

Art of Tea

At Asia Teas we make your tea a personal project, something that requires diligent attention, consistency and many hours of hard work. truly a labour of love.

We suggest you sit back with a freshly brewed cup of your favorite blend and enjoy this story of how we go about buying, tasting and blending your tea.

Twice a week. every week Colombo hosts one of the oldest rituals of Sri Lanka’s tea trade. The Auctions! A gathering dominated by men, each one with eyes, ears and almost their entire beings focused keenly on the rostrum at the center of a crowded auditorium. Sitting in that room is the pick of the country’s traders and tasters, waiting for that exact “moment in tea” where just a lift of a finger, the nod of a head or just simply a slight lift of a pen signals a “bid” to the broker.

It’s a process that runs the old fashioned way, where traders sit with pens in hand and mark the lots and prices on little colored pieces of paper which list what’s on the table.

It’s a gentlemen’s business where trust and integrity stand above even getting the cheapest price for your lot of tea. Because as the team at Asia Teas well knows “Tea will always get the price it deserves.”

“ There are moments where 10 people are interested in a single lot of tea – And once the bid is called its instantaneous „

“A slow day means about 5 to 6 lots move a minute but a heavy day could see 7 to 8 lots a minute go under the gavel.„

Another week, another auction. but no ordinary lot.

“The Gavel Sounded! This was It – This was the lot he wanted.
The bidding started with buyers shouting over each other

The lot was Dimbulla FBOP which he had to have to perfect the blend. Just had to have it. Without it the Blend would be Ok but with it, it would be perfect, just Perfect!

The other guys were shying away from the lot as the bidding intensified. The Price soared like an eagle enjoying a thermal. Only two bidders remained. Him and another guy who seemed like he too wanted it like his life depended on it.

He shouted his bid and pictured to himself the frown on the Accountant’s visage. But he just had to have it for his blend. The accountant won’t know a perfect blend if it was not on the profit and loss. The older guys know what it is. How your heart thumps just at the thought of losing it. Another bid! There goes my average he thought and bid higher.

To which there was no response. The lot was his and his blend would be perfect

Bliss! Til the other Lot is on the Block.”

Tea tasting is more than just a slurp from a cup, it’s an acquired skill which takes long years to master and great discipline to maintain.

“A taster should have at least 15 years of experience – It’s not something you can master in a few years. „

Long before the hammer falls at the auction, the tasters at Asia Teas have already set their eyes (if not all their senses) on the lots which would make their blends complete. A week before the actual sale, brokers send between 10,000 to 12,000 little samples to every buyer on their list of 300+ companies in the business of tea. Each lot to be sampled if not tasted and selected before the day of the auction when each broker enters the rostrum to fetch the best price for their lots.

Armed with a printed catalog and the knowledge of which lots they want from what broker, our team sets out on auction day to seek out and bid for those “specific” lots of tea, the ones they will bring back to blend their magic.

The tea tasters at Asia Teas do more than just taste tea, they are market watchers, seasoned buyers and even weather experts. The team stays constantly tuned to the weather and growing conditions for tea, exchange rates, global consumption, and all other economic and political factors which could affect the price and quality of tea at any given time.

Next to their keen sense of taste, smell and sight our tasters are driven by one more factor – their undying fascination for what produces a perfect cup of tea.

“ A taster is many things and has many responsibilities in preserving himself and his sense of taste and smell. Above all it’s his general attitude to life that decides his success in the trade. It’s this confidence that gives the client the blend they want. „

Blending tea is an art because it demands both passion and creativity like any form of art. It’s a science because it requires a precision and consistency that needs to be repeated no matter what.

Customer familiarity is everything. We have to know what he wants according to his country, his traditions and even the water he uses to brew his tea.

For instance a customer from Egypt would demand Tea Dust because of the hardness of their water. When the leaf is bigger the taste takes longer to come out. In Saudi Arabia the tradition is different and so is the water. Their water is softer so they like their tea mild. They like a mellow tea which will roll in their palate.

Asia Teas has perfected the magical formula of blending success. Simply mixing the expertise of many years with an almost fanatical desire to achieve uniform taste and flavor, and the knowledge of what an international clientele demand from their tea.

Asia Teas knows that the packaging of tea is a decisive step towards enjoying the end product. This is why every time you place an order, we spend as much time and energy on the packaging as we do on tasting or blending your tea.

The care and precision which goes into each product will range from the tireless efforts of the graphics team, to choosing the right quality of paper and perfecting the printing of each carton.

The final packaging will pass our quality checks based on not just its ability to contain and transport tea. Our team will also consider how each pack would appear on a shelf, its angle, its colors and its overall visual appeal.

Asia Teas also offers specialized gift packs in an assortment of packaging materials, including brass, ceramic, porcelain, hardwoods, and micro-engineered tins.

Tea Facts

Tea’s growth is subject to climatic and topographical conditions much the same as any other plant. As a result, teas from one area of an estate will taste different to another – and even this will change from day to day depending on the temperature, humidity and the number of sunshine hours.

Sri Lanka holds a privileged rank at the top of 30 countries producing tea and is famed for its different varieties of the brew. Tea from a low grown elevation will usually be darker in liquor and leaf with a heavier flavor and feel. A medium elevation will yield a tea that will be easy drinking and have a fairly bright liquor. Some of the best varieties of tea come from the high-elevation plantations which produce teas which are bright in liquor and strong in flavor.

Senior hands in the business know that where the tea comes from matters as much as its Grade in the making of the perfect blend. FBOP tea from Kandy for instance would carry a different flavor to FBOP from an estate in Nuwara Eliya.Senior hands in the business know that where the tea comes from matters as much as its Grade in the making of the perfect blend. FBOP tea from Kandy for instance would carry a different flavor to FBOP from an estate in Nuwara Eliya.

The Geography of Tea


Dimbula was one of the first areas to be planted after tea took over from coffee in the 1870’s. The plantations most of them around 5,000 to 6,000 feet up in the hills, produce a typical high grown tea, which is of the finest character and rich in color throughout the year.


The plantations around Kandy supply what are known as mid-country teas. These are notable for its full bodied strong teas which appeal to everyone who likes a good colory brew. The estates are located from 2,000 to 4,000 feet above sea level and is the region where tea was first grown in Sri Lanka.

Nuwara Eliya

Nuwara Eliya teas are grown at an elevation of over 6,000 feet. They have an exquisite flavor and aroma while the brew is comparatively light. It is delicious with a slice of lemon, lime or orange. It has been said that “Nuwara Eliya is to Ceylon Tea what Champagne is to French wine”.


Plantations range from the tropical range forest to the South western coast. These thick strong teas are much sought after particularly by the countries in the Middle East. A refreshing drink for those who like a thick sweet brew with or without milk.

Uda Pussellawa

Climatic conditions are similar to that of Uva. Tea produced from these areas tend to have a medium body and a rosy taste.


Grown on the eastern slopes of Sri Lanka’s central mountains, tea from the Uva district has quite a remarkable flavor and is widely used in many blends.

Grades of Tea

Tea in its purest form comes in the following variety of Grades. It is these grades which enter the auction in as many 10,000 to 12,000 lots a week and from which we pick the best leaf or dust after an intense round of tasting.A single grade of tea can vary in flavor and strength according to its geographical origins which means that with each different lot and sample, our tasters need to identify which grades will make or break the blend our customer demands. A pain-staking process which has paid us dividends in the form of continuing customer loyalty.

All teas, black and green come from same plant “Camellia Sinensis”

Silver Tips are the finest buds which turn velvety silver when dried. A very delicate fragrant brew of mystical medicinal properties


Are you looking for high quality tea? Tea House offer the largest collections of premium tea consistently fresh and available. So please do not hesitate to contact our sales managers in any way you prefer.
Asia Teas (Pvt) Limited
  • Address: 380/97 Sarana Road, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka
  • Tel         : +94 (0)11 269 3448
  • Fax        : +94 (0)11 269 3435
  • Direct   : +94 (0)11 741 8085
  • Mobile  : +94 (0)77 776 0424
  • Email    : [email protected]
  • Address :〒166-0004,東京都杉並区阿佐谷南1-34-6,新東京会館5階
  • Tel          : (03) 5305-51258
  • Fax         : (03) 5305-5036
  • Email     :  [email protected]


Are you looking for high quality tea? Tea House offer the largest collections of premium tea consistently fresh and available. So please do not hesitate to contact our sales managers in any way you prefer.
Asia Teas (Pvt) Limited
  • Address: 380/97 Sarana Road, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka
  • Tel         : +94 (0)11 269 3448
  • Fax        : +94 (0)11 269 3435
  • Direct   : +94 (0)11 741 8085
  • Mobile  : +94 (0)77 776 0424
  • Email    : [email protected]
  • Address :〒166-0004,東京都杉並区阿佐谷南1-34-6,新東京会館5階
  • Tel          : (03) 5305-51258
  • Fax         : (03) 5305-5036
  • Email     :  [email protected]